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Historical Data – General chapters and councils of the Congregation

(From: Centro Storico Giuseppini del Murialdo, La Congregazione: Dati storici generali,edited byO. Balardin, LEM 1988)

The data are updated at the printing date of the volume.

1900 - 1902 - 1903 - 1906 - 1912 - 1919 - 1925 - 1931 - 1937 - 1946 - 1952 - 1958 - 1964 - 1969 - 1970 - 1976 - 1982 - 1988

Abbreviations and acronyms

Author’s Note: In this work we use the term general Curia to indicate both the gene­ral council and the other assigned to the general government, like the secretary, the procurator and the treasurer, who until 1969 were not necessarily general councillors.

1st- 1900

On April 02 at Turin( St. Joseph chapel in the collegio «Artigianelli»).

Capitulars 14:

General Curia:

Fr. Giulio Costantino
Fr. Eugenio Reffo


Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Fr. Gaetano Bortoli
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino
Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Fr. Giuseppe Marengo
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Giovanni Roncaglia
Fr. Matteo Guala

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Giulio Costantino
Counc. vicario gen. Fr. Eugenio Reffo
Councillor Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Councillor Fr. Gaetano Bortoli
Councillor Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Councillor Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Councillor Fr. Gaspare Oddenino

2nd- 1902

From September 05 at Volvera ( Turin)

As we understand from the proceedings of the successive general chapter (1903) this was not consi­dered an ordinary chapter bur rather a «family gathering». In this chapter for the first time the general procurator was elected, Fr. Chamossi, who conti­nued also to be a member of the council.

The minutes of this chapter have rather the style of a report written at a later date; in it there is not information about the succession of hours or days, neither about the capitulars’ speeches. At the end it is written the date: 9 September 1902, and just below, in a different handwriting, Fr. Giulio Costantino’s signature. It is not clear, however, whether such date is the closing one of the chapter or rather the one in which the minutes-report were written.

Capitulars 17:

General Curia:

Fr. Giulio Costantino, sup. gen.
Fr. Eugenio Reffo, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Marcello Pagliero, counc.
Fr. Gaetano Bortoli, counc.
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli, counc.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc.
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino counc.


Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Giuseppe Marengo
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr. Ulrico Franchi
Fr. Emilio Cecco
Fr. Pietro Carrà
Fr. Giorgio Apolloni

Elected general Curia:

Gen. Procurator: Fr. Maurizio Chamossi

3rd- 1903

September at Turin( St. Joseph chapel in the collegio «Ar­tigianelli»).

Unfortunately it was not possible to reconstruct the exact beginning and closing date: the proceedings only give the month. Cf. on the matter COSTANTINO GIU­LIO, Lettere circolari ai confratelli giuseppini (1900-1912), edited by G. PlTTARELLO, Rome, LEM, 1987, 45, note 1.

Capitulars 18:

General Curia:

Fr. Giulio Costantino, sup. gen.
Fr. Eugenio Reffo, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Marcello Pagliero, counc.
Fr. Gaetano Bortoli, counc.
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli, counc.
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino, counc.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, proc. gen.


Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Giuseppe Marengo
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr. Ulrico Franchi
Fr. Emilio Cecco
Fr. Pietro Carrà
Fr. Angelo Roncaglia
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Giulio Costantino
Counc. vicar gen.:Fr. Eugenio Reffo
Councillor:Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Councillor:Fr. Gaspare Oddenino
Councillor:Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Councillor: Fr. Gaetano Bortoli
Councillor:Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Procurator gen. : Fr. Maurizio Chamossi

NB. The Constitutions then in use said, at art. 98, that every three years 3 councillors, drawn among the 6, would expire and then other 3 councillors would be elected. The expired councillors could be appointed again. Fr. Bortoli, Fr. Pagliero and Fr. Chamossi were chosen by lot. The first two were appointed again and Fr. Vercellono was elected instead of Fr. Chamossi. Fr. Chamossi, as it is noted, was re-elected as procurator.

4th- 1906

First session: from 02 to 04 of April at Volvera St. Joseph» institute).

As we see, from this chapter and till the XIV the councillors are no more six, but four. In fact, on the basis of art. 144 of the 1904 Constitutions, the general council is formed by the superior general and four councillors.

Capitulars 20:

General Curia:

Fr. Giulio Costantino, sup. gen.
Fr. Eugenio Reffo, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli, counc.
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino, counc.
Fr. Marcello Pagliero, counc.
Fr. Gaetano Bortoli, counc.
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono, counc.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, proc. gen.


Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Giuseppe Marengo
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr. Emilio Cecco
Fr. Giovanni Ponzetti
Fr. Angelo Roncaglia
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi (deputy of Fr. Franchi)
Fr. Lorenzo Genoso
Fr. Girolamo Pasin

NB. Fr. Vittorio Tressich signed the deed of constitutio­n of the Chapter but did not participate in the works due to infirmity.

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Giulio Costantino
Counc. vicar gen.: Fr. Eugenio Reffo
Councillor: Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Councillor: Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Councillor: Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono

Secretary gen.: Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Procurator gen.: Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Treasurer gen.: Fr. Gaspare Oddenino

NB. Fr. Vercellono is elected provisionally, that is, till the August session.

Second session: from 29 to 31 August at Bra ( Cuneo) (chap­el of the retreat house at Our Lady of Flowers Shrine).

Capitulars 17.

Absentees: Fr. Vittorio Tressich (who died on April 18th 1906), Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono, Fr. Lorenzo Genoso, Fr. Girolamo Apolloni and his deputy Fr. Carlo Bellino.

NB. With the presence of Fr. Ulrico Franchi, his deputy Fr. Panizzardi loses active voice, but continues to be present as Chapter secretary.

Elected general Curia:

Councillor: Fr. Ulrico Franchi

NB. Fr. Ulrico Franchi was elected in substitution of Fr. Vercel­lono who expired since elected provisionally in the first session.

5th - 1912

First session: March 26 - 27 at Volvera («S. Joseph» institute).

Capitulars 22:

General Curia:

Fr. Giulio Costantino, sup. gen.
Fr. Eugenio Reffo, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Marcello Pagliero, counc. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc. proc. gen.
Fr. Ulrico Franchi, counc. gen.
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino, treas. gen.


Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Fr. Giuseppe Marengo
Fr. Gaetano Bortoli
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr. Venanzio Corazza
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi
Fr. Emilio Cecco
Fr. Carlo Maculan
Fr. Valentino (Avventino) Franco
Fr. Luigi Bianco
Fr. Clemente Strumia
Fr. Angelo Roncaglia

N.B. The registered and baptism name of Fr.Valentino Franco is «Avventino» and he himself signs so in this chapter. Afterwards he is constantly called «Valentino» and he will sign so.

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Eugenio Reffo
Counc. vicar gen.: Fr. Giulio Costantino
Councillor: Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Councillor: Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Councillor: Fr. Giovanni Rejneri
Procurator gen.: Fr. Camillo Panizzardi
Secretary gen.: Fr. Achille Schiapparelli
Treasurer gen.: Fr. Gaspare Oddenino

NB. Fr. Giovanni Rejneri dies on June 18th 1913. Fr. Giu­lio Costantino dies on October 13 1915. At the General Council meeting on October 26 1915, Fr. Marcello Pagliero is appointed general vicar and Fr. Maurizio Chamossi general councillor.

- Second session: August 29 - 30 at Cascine Vica (chap­el of the agricultural school).

Capitulars 20.

NB. Instead of Fr. Matteo Guala, who could not partici­pate in the Chapter, Fr. Oreste Tromben is present as deputy.

Absentees: Fr. Maurizio Chamossi and Fr. Clemente Strumia.

6th - 1919

First session: April 03 - 04 at Turin( St. Joseph chapel in the collegio «Artigianelli»).

Capitulars 20:

General Curia:

Fr. Eugenio Reffo, sup. gen.
Fr. Marcello Pagliero, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono, counc. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc. gen.
Fr. Achille Schiapparelli, secr. gen.
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi, proc. gen.
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino, treas. gen.


Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Fr. Luigi Casaril
Fr. Luigi Bianco
Fr. Carlo Maculan
Fr. Emilio Cecco
Fr. Edoardo Davico
Fr. Venanzio Corazza
Fr. Giuseppe Pagliero
Fr. Valentino Franco
Fr. Giovanni Ponzetti
Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Fr. Angelo Ferracina
Fr. Giuseppe Viora

Elected general Curia:

Sup. gen. «ad honorem»: Fr. Eugenio Reffo
Vicar gen. «with full powers ex iure» Fr. Girolamo Apolloni
Counc. pro-vicar Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono
Councillor Fr. Luigi Casaril
Councillor Fr. Emilio Cecco
Councillor Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Procurator gen. Fr. Camillo Panizzardi
Secretary gen. Fr. Camillo Panizzardi
Treasurer gen. Fr. Valentino Franco

NB. On April 22nd 1922, Fr. Emilio Cecco leaves for the mission of Napo ( Ecuador).

The General Council in the meeting of June 14th appoints as Councillor Fr. Bernardo Maculan.

- Second session: September ll - 12 at Volvera («S. Joseph» institu­te).

Capitulars 19.

NB. Fr. Vito Zanon, just back from the Libyan mission of Bengasi participates in the chapter «by concession of the Holy See».

Absentees: Fr. Achille Schiapparelli and Fr. Luigi Bianco.

7th- 1925

April 21 - 24 at S. Mauro Torinese («Holy Cross» Villa).

From this proceedings onward the names of confreres who are priests are indicated with «P.» (Padre = Father) instead of «D.» (Don).

Capitulars 28:

General Curia:

Fr. Eugenio Reffo, sup gen «ad honorem»
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni, vic. gen. «with full powers ex iure»
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono, provic. gen.
Fr. Luigi Casaril, counc. gen.
Fr. Bernardo Maculan, counc. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc. gen.
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi, proc. secr. gen.
Fr. Valentino Franco, treas. gen.


The General Council, in the meeting of February 16th 1925, decrees: «1st that Fr. Oreste Tromben ( Ecuador, n.d.r.) shall come to the Chapter on behalf of our Missions of America and that Fr. Pagliani for now shall remain in Brazil» (cf. Minutes of the General Council, vol. I, 1873-1930, Rome, ACG 0.5.0).

Fr. Oreste Tromben (Ecuador)
Fr. Antonio Mosele
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Fr. Antonio Pangrazio
Fr. Marcello Pagliero
Fr. Ulrico Franchi
Fr. Carlo Maculan
Fr. Ottavio Colle
Fr. Gaspare Oddenino
Fr. Vittorio Ambrosini
Fr. Luigi Lavagno
Fr. Antonio Basso
Fr. Igino Rossi
Fr. Venanzio Corazza
Fr. Edoardo Davico
Fr. Eugenio Boni
Fr. Ottavio Perino
Fr. Massimino Benassati
Fr. Arturo Smaniotto
Fr. Pietro Rorato

Elected general Curia:

Fr. Eugenio Reffo Sup. gen. «ad honorem»
Fr. Girolamo Apolloni Superior general
Fr. Luigi Casaril Counc. vicar gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi Councillor
Fr. Valentino Franco Councillor
Fr. Carlo Maculan Councillor
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi Procurator gen.
Fr. Oreste Tromben Secretary gen.
Fr. Oreste Tromben Treasurer gen.

NB. Fr. Eugenio Reffo dies on May 9th 1925.

8th - 1931

It begins on May 05 at Rivoli St. Joseph» boarding school),continues from 06 to 08 of May at Turin(collegio «Arti­gianelli»).

Capitulars 33:

General Curia:

Fr. Girolamo Apolloni, sup. gen.
Fr. Luigi Casaril, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc. gen.
Fr. Valentino Franco, counc. gen.
Fr. Carlo Maculan, counc. gen.
Fr. Oreste Tromben, treas. secr. gen.
Fr. Camillo Panizzardi, proc. gen.


Fr. Giuseppe Garibaldi
Fr. Serafino Maculan
Fr. Ottavio Perino
Fr. Ottavio Colle
Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Fr. Antonio Pangrazio
Fr. Matteo Guala
Fr.Gaetano Todescato
Fr. Giovanni Scalabrin
Fr. Vittorio Ambrosini
Fr. Venanzio Corazza
Fr. Giovanni Apolloni
Fr. Giuseppe Pagliero
Fr. Vittorio Gagliardi
Fr. Eugenio Boni
Fr. Antonio Boschetti
Fr. Pietro Fipaldini
Fr. Pietro Rorato
Fr. Arturo Smaniotto
Fr. Cesare Ricci
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Fr. Clemente Strumia
Fr. Felice Magnetti
Fr. Edoardo Davico
Fr. Francesco Milani
Fr. Umberto Pagliani (Brazil)
Mgr. Emilio Cecco, elected bishop (Ecuador)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Luigi Casaril
Counc. vicar gen.: Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Councillor: Fr. Valentino Franco
Councillor: Fr. Carlo Maculan
Councillor: Fr. Felice Magnetti
Procurator gen. : Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Secretary gen. : Fr. Oreste Tromben
Treasurer gen. : Fr. Oreste Tromben

NB. In the General Council meeting held on October 11th 1935 the Piedmont, Veneto, and Roman provinces are constituted in Italy; Fathers Valentino Franco and Felice Ma­gnetti are respectively appointed Provincials of the Roman and Piedmont province, and Fathers Maurizio Chamossi and Oreste Tromben are respectively elected councillors in their place.

9th- 1937

11 - 15 May at Roma (general house, via Etruschi, 7).

At page 1 of the minutes we read: « Fr. Vercellono manifests a doubt about the ordinal number «IX» put before the current chapter: the number ninthdoes not correspond to the series, both beginning from the foundation year, and from the approval year. After immediate inquiries made in the archives of the Pious Society, the President [Fr. Casaril] announces that the numbering of the chapters was fixed by the historician and co-founder Fr. Eugenio Reffo beginning from the year 1900 and that it was given the name chapter 2nd and chapter 3rd to the mmetings held in the years 1902 and 1903. So in 1906 the Chapter celebrated after the approval of the constitutions was called FOURTH generaChapter. From this number «fourth» one arrives to the current NINTH general chapter». Really, in the first page of the minutes-chronicle of the 1902 general chapter one reads: «On September 5th 1902 the second general chapter took place at Volvera in the novitiate house...»; instead the minutes of the 1903 general chapter begin with these words: «The 2nd [later on corrected by pencil in 3rd] general chapter is held...». The titles — « General Chapter » — of the two minutes seems to be without the indication of the succession number; it was added, likely later, by pencil and, in the 1902 one, also by pen.

Capitulars 16:

General Curia:

Fr. Luigi Casaril, sup. gen.
Fr. Bernardo Maculan, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Carlo Maculan, counc. gen.
Fr.Oreste Tromben, secr. treas. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, proc. gen.

Superiors of provinces and similar organisms:

[The General Council, in the meeting on December 5th 1936 decides the constitution of the next General Chapter: « is agreed to follow what says art. 144 of the Constitutions and that is that only the Provincials with two delegates for each province shall go to the Chapter. It is remebered that art. 141 of the Constitutions, by vote of the last Chapter, approved by the S. Congregation of Religious, is modified so that the ballot to elect the delegates to the Chapter, is made only by the perpetually professed confreres» (cf. Minutes of theGeneral Council, vol. II, 1930-1937, Ro­me, ACG, 0.5.0).]

[For writing simplicity from now on we will substitute the name of the provinces and similar organisms with the following acronyms: PiedmontProvince = P; VenetoProvince = V; RomanProvince = R; Latin AmericaProvince = AL; BrazilianProvince = B; EcuadorianProvince = E; Argentine-ChileanProvince = AC; Vice-province of United States = USA; Central Delegation = DC; Delegation of Spain = S.]

Fr. Felice Magnetti (P)
Fr. Giuseppe Vercellono (V)
Fr. Valentino Franco (R)
Fr. Agostino Gastaldo (B)
Mgr. Emilio Cecco (E)


Fr. Edoardo Davico (P)
Fr. Antonio Basso (P)
Fr. Antonio Pangrazio (V)
Fr. Arturo Smaniotto (V)
Fr. Ottavio Colle (R)
Fr. Eugenio Boni (R)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Luigi Casaril
Counc. vicar gen.: Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Councillor: Fr. Maurizio Chamossi
Councillor: Fr. Antonio Pangrazio
Councillor: Fr. Eugenio Boni
Procurator gen. : Fr. Ottavio Colle
Secretary gen. : Fr. Eugenio Boni
Treasurer gen. : Fr. Arturo Smaniotto

NB. On September 23rd 1938 Fr. Colle is appointed pro­vincial superior of Latin America and Fr. Bernardo Maculan assumes also the office of general procurator. Fr. Eugenio Boni dies on April 27th 1941. The General Council in the sitting on May 01 1941 appoints Fr. Va­lentino Franco as general councillor and Fr. Anto­nio Pangrazio as general secretary. In the sitting on September 29th 1945 the Gene­ral Council appoints Fr. Dario Priante as secretary.

[ Latin AmericaProvince is the name that the Provincial Fr. Ottavio Colle gave to the Province comprising the houses of Argentine and Brazil, with head office in Buenos Aires, from 1938 to 1946 (cf. letterhead of Fr. Colle circulars in ACG, AC. 4.0).]

10th- 1946

16 - 25 July at Viterbo («S. Pietro» institute).

The X General Chapter had to be held in 1943, but the Rescript of the S. Congregation of Religious (n. 6421/42) on December 17th 1942 postponed the realization of the Chapter till the time it was possible to convoke it and granted that «meanwhile those who currently are in government should govern ».

Capitulars 20-1-1:

General Curia:

Fr. Luigi Casaril, sup. gen.
Fr. Bernardo Maculan, counc. vic. proc. gen.
Fr. Antonio Pangrazio, counc. gen.
Fr. Valentino Franco, counc. gen.
Fr Dario Priante, secr. gen.
Fr. Arturo Smaniotto, treas. gen.
Fr. Maurizio Chamossi, counc. gen.

Provincial Superiors:

Fr. Gaspare Reale (P)
Fr. Gaetano Todescato (V)
Fr. Antonio Boschetti (R)
Fr. Ottavio Colle ( AL)
Mgr. Massimiliano Spiller (E)

NB. Mgr. Spiller participates without active and passive voice.

[The S. C. of Religiuos in date 09 February 1946, answered to various difficulties arisen about the modality of election or right of participation of capitulars and dele­gates. Here are two answers:

a) Mgr. Massimiliano Spiller, Napo’s apostolic vicar, does not have either the right or the duty of participating in the Institute’s general chapter.

(NB. Mgr. Spiller then took part as auditor).

b) The representatives of the two Provinces of America can, for this time, elect as delegates and deputies confreres of the same Institute who reside in Italy to participate in the general chapter in their name».

(NB. It is the case of Fr. Francesco Milani and Fr. Giovanni Stella for the Latin AmericaProvince and Fr. Carlo Maculan and Fr. Giovanni Apolloni for the EcuadorPro­vince).]


Fr. Felice Magnetti (P)
Fr. Giovanni Davico (P)
Fr. Celestino Rosso (V)
Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi (V)
Fr. Aurelio Del Signore (R)
Fr. Deodato Paglia (R)
Fr. Francesco Milani (AL)
Fr. Giovanni Stella (AL)
Fr. Carlo Maculan(E)
Fr. Giovanni Apolloni (E)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Luigi Casaril
Counc. vicar gen: Fr. Antonio Boschetti
Councillor: Fr. Gaspare Reale
Councillor: Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi
Councillor: Fr. Gaetano Todescato
Procurator gen. : Fr. Bernardo Maculan
Secretary gen. : Fr. Gaspare Reale
Treasurer gen. : Fr. Giovanni Davico

NB. In the meeting of January 11th 1951 the Genera­l Council appoints Fr. Felice Magnetti general procurator in place of Fr. Bernardo Maculan, and general postulator in place of Fr. Maurizio Chamossi.

11th- 1952

July 16 - 25 at Rivoli St. Joseph» boarding school).

Capitulars 25:

General Curia:

Fr. Luigi Casaril, sup. gen.
Fr. Antonio Boschetti, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Gaspare Reale, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi, counc. gen.
Fr. Gaetano Todescato, counc. gen.
Fr. Felice Magnetti, proc. gen.
Fr. Giovanni Davico, treas. gen.

Provincial Superiors:

Fr. Giovanni Scalabrin (P)
Fr. Francesco Milani (V)
Fr. Deodato Paglia (R)
Fr. Giovanni Schiavo (B)
Mgr. Massimiliano Spiller (E)
Fr. Vittorio Gagliardi (AC)

[Answering to a verbal query, the S. C. of Religious grants Mgr. Spiller, Napo’s apostolic vicar and provincial superior, to participate in the Chapter with active and passive voice.]


Fr. Cherubino Zarantoniello (P)
Fr. Antonio Basso (P)
Fr. Cecilio Cainer (V)
Fr. Antonio Pangrazio (V)
Fr. Angelo Cuomo (R)
Fr. Angelo Bertuzzo (R) (deputy of Fr. Defilippi N.)
Fr. Girolamo Rossi (B)
Fr. Ottavio Colle (B)
Fr. Carlo Verdoia (E)
Fr. Francesco Tramarollo (E)
Fr. Girolamo Pianezzola (AC)
Fr. Serafino Montanari Lughi (AC)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general: Fr. Luigi Casaril
Counc. vicar gen.: Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi
Councillor: Fr. Gaspare Reale
Councillor: Fr. Vittorio Gagliardi
Councillor: Fr. Cecilio Cainer
Procurator gen.: Fr. Deodato Paglia
Secretary gen.: Fr. Cecilio Cainer
Treasurer gen.: Fr. Deodato Paglia

NB. Fr. Gaspare Reale died on January 8th 1957; in the General Council meeting of January 23rd of the same year Fr. Armando Castellani was appointed Councillor.

12th - 1958

July 16 - 27 at Rivoli St. Joseph» boarding school).

Capitulars 25:

General Curia:

Fr. Luigi Casaril, sup. gen.
Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi, counc. vie. gen.
Fr. Vittorio Gagliardi, counc. gen.
Fr. Cecilio Cainer, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Armando Castellani, counc. gen.
Fr. Deodato Paglia, proc. treas. gen.

Provincial Superiors:

Fr. Natale Defilippi (P)
Fr Giocondo Sartori (V)
Fr Angelo Cuomo (R)
Fr. José Lorencini (B)
Fr. Antonio Boschetti (E)
Fr. Dario Priante (AC)
Fr. Gaetano Menegatto ( USA)

NB. Fr. Gaetano Menegatto is present at the Chapter «as representative of the nearly-Province of the United States of America» by a «special authorization of the Holy See» (Cir­cular of June 02 1958 by Fr. Luigi Casaril).


Fr. Mario Cugnasco (P)
Fr. Cherubino Zarantoniello (P)
Fr. Giovanni Stella (V)
Fr. Amedeo Pasotto (V)
Fr. Carmine Angeletti (R)
Fr. Giulio Fin (R)
Fr Giovanni Schiavo (B)
Fr Serafino Tonin (B)
Fr. Cesare Ricci (E)
Fr. Egisto Crociani (E)
Fr. Giovanni Davico (AC)
Fr. Elio Da Gualdo (AC)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general Fr. Antonio Boschetti
Counc. vicar gen. Fr. Carmine Angeletti
Councillor Fr. Natale Defilippi
Councillor Fr. Armando Castellani
Councillor Fr. Deodato Paglia
Procurator gen. Fr. Deodato Paglia
Secretary gen. Fr. Armando Castellani
Treasurer gen. Fr. Giovanni Stella

13th- 1964

July 16 - 31, at Rivoli St. Joseph» boarding school)

Capitulars 25:

General Curia:

Fr. Antonio Boschetti, sup. gen.
Fr Carmine Angeletti, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Natale Defilippi, counc. gen.
Fr. Armando Castellani, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Deodato Paglia, counc. proc. gen.
Fr. Giovanni Stella, treas. gen.

Former superior general:

Fr. Luigi Casaril

[This is the first time that a former superior genera­l is present to the General Chapter in application of article 101 of the Constitutions del 1904, retained without changes till The Rule of 1982 (Const. art. 129) where it is fixed an age limit of 80 years.]

Provincial Superiors:

Fr. Vittorio Gagliardi (P)
Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi (V)
Fr. Angelo Cuomo (R)
Fr. José Lorencini (B)
Fr. Armando Martini (E)
Fr. Egisto Crociani (AC)


Fr. Italo Conti (P)
Fr. Mario Cugnasco (P)
Fr. Pietro Boschetti (V)
Fr. Bruno Bison (V)
Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi
Fr. Aldo Marengo (R)
Fr. Aleixo Susin (B)
Fr. Balduino Andreola (B)
Fr. Antonio Cabri (E)
Fr. Mario Canova (E)
Fr. Bruno De Santi (AC)
Fr. Vladimiro Rossi (AC)

NB. The Houses of the U.S.A. had been united, for this Chapter, to the EcuadorianProvince (Circular of December 15 1963 of Fr. Antonio Boschetti).

Elected general Curia:

Superior general Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi
Counc. vicar gen.. Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi
Councillor Fr. Egisto Crociani
Councillor Fr. Natale Defilippi
Councillor Fr. Carmine Angeletti
Procurator gen. Fr. Deodato Paglia
Secretary gen. Fr. Carmine Angeletti
Treasurer gen. Fr. Giovanni Stella

14th- 1969

Special General Chapter: from March 30 to August 8 at Ro­me(general house, via della Fanella, 39).

Il Motu Proprio Ecclesiae Sanctae del 1966 stabiliva nella II parte (nn. 3-6) che, per promuovere il rinnovamento adeguato in ciascun istituto, venisse riunito entro 3 anni «uno speciale chapter generale, ordinario o straordinario» avente la facoltà di fare «ad experimentum» una revisione delle Costituzioni. Il nostro XIV chapter generale fu pertanto un chapter «speciale straordinario», riunito un anno prima della scadenza sessennale. In esso furono elaborati e approvati i Documenti Capito­lari come nuova legislazione della Congregation «ad experimentum».

Capitulars 38:

General Curia:

Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi, sup. gen.
Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Egisto Crociani, counc. gen.
Fr. Natale Defilippi, counc. gen.
Fr. Carmine Angeletti, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Deodato Paglia, proc. gen.
Fr. Giovanni Stella, treas. gen.

Former superiors general:

Fr. Luigi Casaril
Fr. Antonio Boschetti

Superiors of provinces and similar organisms:

Fr. Italo Conti (P)
Fr. Mario Venturini (V)
Fr. Giocondo Sartori (R)
Fr. Girolamo Zanconato (B)
Fr. Antonio Nardon (E)
Fr. Armando Martini (AC)
Fr. Bruno De Santi ( USA)


Fr. Lorenzo Terrando (P)
Fr. Roberto Salvati (P)
Fr. Carlo Pennazio (P)
Fr. Pietro Boschetti (V)
Fr. Libero Ballestrazzi (V)
Fr. Gino Bisigato (V)
Fr. Fedele Carbone (R)
Fr. Virginio De Angelis (R)
Fr. Francesco Prisco (R)
Fr. Balduino Andreola (B)
Fr. Bruno Barbieri (B)
Fr. Ezio Julli (B)
Fr. Vittorio Carbone (E)
Fr. Renato Gambellini (E)
Fr. Guillermo Orquera (E)
Fr. Pietro Todeschin (AC)
Fr. Italo Sarollo (AC)
Fr Silvio Fracasso (AC)
Fr. Gino Pittarello (DC)
Fr. Paolo Mietto (DC)
Fr. Giovanni Pizzutto (DC)
Fr. Alfredo Bosco (USA)

15th- 1970

From August 20 to September 19 at Rome(general house, via della Fanella, 39).

Capitulars 37:

General Curia:

Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi, sup. gen.
Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi, counc. vie. gen.
Fr. Egisto Crociani, counc. gen.
Fr. Natale Defilippi, counc. gen.
Fr. Carmine Angeletti, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Deodato Paglia, proc. gen.
Fr. Giovanni Stella, treas. gen.

Former superiors general:

Fr. Luigi Casaril
Fr. Antonio Boschetti

Superiors of provinces and similar organisms:

Fr. Italo Conti (P)
Fr. Mario Venturini (V)
Fr. Virginio De Angelis (R)
Fr. Girolamo Zanconato (B)
Fr. Antonio Nardon (E)
Fr. Armando Martini (AC)
Fr. Bruno De Santi ( USA)


[On the basis of Capitular Documents elected members at the Chapter are:
a) Two delegates each Province and the central Delegation (n. 1089);
b) A third delegate is assigned to the Province or Delegation whose personnel is over one hundred confreres, and a fourth delegate if the personnel is over one hundred fifty con­freres (n. 1090);
c) A delegate each vice-province (n. 1091).]

Fr. Lorenzo Terrando (P)
Fr. Carlo Pennazio (P)
Fr. Mario Cugnasco (P)
Fr. Giovanni Pizzutto (V)
Fr. Bruno Bison (V)
Fr. Gino Bisigato (V)
Fr. Libero Ballestrazzi (V)
Fr. Sergio Parea (R)
Fr. Francesco Prisco (R)
Fr. Rinaldo Rey (R)
Fr. Orides Balardin (B)
Fr. Ezio Julli (B)
Fr. Carlos Manzano (E)
Fr. Claudio De Agostini (E)
Fr. Vladimiro Rossi (AC)
Fr. Italo Sarollo (AC)
Fr. Gino Pittarello (DC)
Fr. Roberto Salvati (DC)
Fr. Gaetano Menegatto (USA)

Lay Brothers Delegates:

[Under n. 1092 of Capitular Documents two lay brothers are elected as delegates representing the European and AmericanProvinces respectively.]

Br. Narciso Bison (Europe)
Br. Antonio Lorandi ( America)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general : Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi
Counc. vicar gen. : Fr. Gino Pittarello
Counc. assistane provinces of Europe : Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi
Counc. assistant provinces of America: Fr. Armando Martini
Counc. secretary gen. : Fr. Carmine Angeletti
Councillor: Fr. Italo Conti
Counc. treasurer gen.: Fr. Mario Venturini
Procurator gen. : Fr. Deodato Paglia

[Under numbers 1162-1168 of 1969 Capitular Documents, the general council is formed by the Superior General and six councillors; the secretary and treasurer are members of the council with right to vote.]

16th - 1976

From June 27 to August 10 at Rome(general house, via della Fanella, 39).

Capitulars 39:

General Curia:

Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi, sup. gen.
Fr. Gino Pittarello, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Nazzareno Montanari Lughi, counc. gen.
Fr. Armando Martini, counc. gen.
Fr. Italo Conti, counc. gen.
Fr. Carmine Angeletti, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Mario Venturini, counc. treas. gen.
Fr. Deodato Paglia, proc. gen.

Former superiors general:

Fr. Luigi Casaril
Fr. Antonio Boschetti

Superiors of provinces and similar organisms:

Fr. Lorenzo Terrando (P)
Fr. Girolamo Zanconato (V)
Fr. Virginio De Angelis (R)
Fr. Orides Balardin, interino (B)
Fr. Francisco Mena (E)
Fr. Italo Sarollo (AC)
Fr. Gaetano Menegatto (USA)


Fr. Giuseppe Rosso (P)
Fr. Giuseppe Fossati (P)
Fr. Enrico Grasso (P)
Fr. Giovanni Pizzutto (V)
Fr. Guido Bassanello (V)
Fr. Ferruccio Cavaggioni (V)
Fr. Antonio Maculan (V)
Fr. Francesco Prisco (R)
Fr. Sergio Parea (R)
Fr. Luigi Pierini (R)
Fr. Honorino Dall'Alba (B)
Fr. Ruy Girardi (B)
Fr. Egisto Crociani (E)
Fr. Arturo Sotomayor (E)
Fr. Franco Magrini (AC)
Fr. Silvio Fracasso (AC)
Fr. Bruno De Santi (USA)
Fr. Paolo Mietto (DC)
Fr. Roberto Salvati (DC)
Fr. Gino Bisigato (DC)

Lay Brothers Delegates:

Br. Narciso Bison (Europe)
Br. Antonio Lorandi ( America)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general : Fr. Girolamo Zanconato
Counc. vicar gen. : Fr. Virginio De Angelis
Counc. assistant provinces of America: Fr. Egisto Crociani
Counc. treasurer gen. : Fr. Italo Sarollo
Counc. secretary gen. : Fr. Gino Bisigato
Councillor: Fr. Roberto Salvati
Councillor: Fr. Paolo Mietto
Procurator gen. : Fr. Carmine Angeletti

17th - 1982

From June 18 to July 31 at Viterbo («San Pietro institute »).

Capitulars 39:

General Curia:

Fr. Girolamo Zanconato, sup. gen.
Fr. Virginio De Angelis, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Egisto Crociani, cons, gen.
Fr. Italo Sarollo, counc. treas. gen.
Fr. Gino Bisigato, counc. secr. gen.
Fr. Roberto Salvati, counc. gen.
Fr. Paolo Mietto, counc. gen.
Fr. Carmine Angeletti, proc. gen.

Former superior general:

Fr. Vincenzo Minciacchi

[Fr. Luigi Casaril had died on August 15th 1980.]

Superiors of provinces and similar organisms:

Fr. Giuseppe Rosso (P)
Fr. Alessandro Vignato (V)
Fr. Francesco Prisco (R)
Fr. Orides Balardin (B)
Fr. Arturo Sotomayor (E)
Fr. Franco Magrini (AC)
Fr. Bruno De Santi ( USA)
Fr. Francesco Solidani (S)


Fr. Enrico Grasso (P)
Fr. Giuseppe Giaccone (P)
Fr. Modesto Sibona (P)
Fr. Giamberto Pegoraro (V)
Fr. Giovanni Pizzutto (V)
Fr. Ellerino Cozza (V)
Fr. Giuseppe Cavallin (V)
Fr. Luigi Pierini (R)
Fr. Sergio Parea (R)
Fr Fedele Carbone (R)
Fr. Geraldo Boniatti (B)
Fr. Bruno Barbieri (B)
Fr. Vittorio Carbone (E)
Fr Rodrigo Lopez (E)
Fr. Vladimiro Rossi (AC)
Fr. Silvio Fracasso (AC)
Fr. Angelo Zonta (USA)
Fr. Giuseppe Fossati (DC)
Fr. Gino Pittarello (DC)
Fr. Pedro Olea (S)

Lay Brothers Delegates:

Br. Umberto Lovato (Europe)
Br. Valdomiro Tadiello ( America)

Elected general Curia:

[Beginning from The Rule of 1979 instead of the Italian word consultori,it is used consiglieri to design the members of the General Council.]

Superior general Fr. Paolo Mietto
Counc. vicar gen. Fr. Giuseppe Rosso
Counc. treasurer gen. Fr. Italo Sarollo
Councillor Fr. Orides Balardin
Councillor Fr. Luigi Pierini
Councillor Fr. Gino Bisigato
Councillor Fr. Carmine Angeletti

NB. 1 – Under art. 117 of the 1982 Constitutions, approved in the Chapter, the offices of secretary general and procurator general must be assigned to general councillors. Fr. Carmine Angeletti was entrusted with these tasks. 2 - Fr. Giuseppe Rosso, vicar general, dies on July 28th 1985. At the September 24th 1985 meeting the General Council elects Fr. Giuseppe Fossati as councillor and then, at the September 25th sitting, Fr. Luigi Pierini as vicar general.

18th - 1988

From June 21 to ............ at Viterbo («San Pietro» institute).

Capitulars 38:

General Curia:

Fr. Paolo Mietto, sup. gen.
Fr. Luigi Pierini, counc. vic. gen.
Fr. Italo Sarollo, counc. treas. gen.
Fr. Orides Balardin, counc. gen.
Fr. Gino Bisigato, counc. gen.
Fr. Carmine Angeletti, counc. secr. proc. gen.
Fr. Giuseppe Fossati, counc. gen.

Former superiors general:

Fr. Girolamo Zanconato

[Fr.. Vincenzo Minciacchi got the dispensation from participation, according to Dir. 141.]

Superiors of the provinces and similar organisms:

Fr. Guido Vischio (P)
Fr. Giuseppe Bellotto (V)
Fr. Sergio Parea (R)
Fr. Honorino Dall'Alba (B)
Fr. Giovanni Pegoraro (E)
Fr. Vladimiro Rossi (AC)
Fr. Lorenzo Tosco ( USA)
Fr. Francesco Solidani (S)


Fr. Aldo Marengo (P)
Fr. Lorenzo Sibona (P)
Fr. Mario Aldegani (P)
Fr. Giamberto Pegoraro (V)
Fr. Agostino Manfredini (V)
Fr. Giovanni Pizzutto (V)
Fr. Giuseppe Bertinato (V)
Fr. Pasquale Pagliuso (R)
Fr. Luigi Carucci (R)
Fr. Fedele Carbone (R)
Fr. Marcial Pivatto (B)
Fr. Joacir Della Giustina (B)
Fr. Ernesto Villacrés (E)
Fr.Luis Tirado (E)
Fr. José Troncoso (AC)
Fr. José Manzano (AC)
Fr. Leo Dechant (USA)
Fr. Ignazio Martelletto (DC)
Fr. Gino Pittarello (DC)
Fr. Franco Zago (S)

Lay Brothers delegates:

Br. Umberto Lovato (Europe)
Br. Michele Zampedri ( America)

Elected general Curia:

Superior general Fr. Paolo Mietto
Counc. vicar gen. Fr. Luigi Pierini
Counc. treasurer gen. Fr. Agostini Manfredini
Councillor Fr. Orides Balardin
Councillor Fr. Giuseppe Bellotto
Councillor Fr. José Troncoso
Councillor Fr. Ignazio Martelletto

Abbreviations and acronyms:

ACAT = Archives of Turin Archiepiscopal Curia.
ACG = Josephan Central Archives (general house, Rome).
Cronist. I = Cronistoria della Pia Società Torinese di S. Giuseppe dalla fonda­zione 1873 [1], Rome, 1950.
Epist. = MURIALDO LEONARDO (SAN), Epistolario, edited by A. MARENGO, 5 voll., Rome, LEM, 1970-1973.
Genesi e sviluppo = Genesi e sviluppo delle Costituzioni della Congregazione di San Giuseppe (Giuseppini del Murialdo) dal 1868 al 1940. Critical Texts, edited by A. MARENGO, Rome, LEM, 1985.
Ilfine = REFFO EUGENIO, Il fine della Pia Società Torinese di Saint Joseph, Pinerolo, 1961.
Le norme costituzionali = Norme (Le) costituzionali della Congregazione di San Giuseppe dagli inizi al 1969, (Fonti e studi, 1), edited by A. MARENGO, Rome, LEM, 1985.
Lett. Gius. = Lettere Giuseppine, internal bulletin of the Congregation of Saint Joseph.
Spieg. Ristr. = [REFFO EUGENIO], Spiegazione autentica del venerato fonda­tore il servo di Dio Leonardo Murialdo del Primo Regolamen­to (Ristretto) della Pia Società Torinese di Saint Joseph, Pinerolo, 1958.

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